
  这就是我听"Lullaby For Lucas"时的感受,多情的旋律和柔美的嗓音将我短暂地从现实中抽离,浅唱低呤如丝般的声音就象潮水一般的飞过来,在脑海里勾勒一幕幕恋人们久别重逢的欢愉,在音乐中细细品味那欲言又止、矛盾复杂的心情。这种清澈的感觉如此真实,却久不曾体味。

  Lullaby for Lucas (给路卡的摇篮曲)   
  by Standfast (超快感合唱团)
    Standfast - Lullaby for Lucas
  The night has come now
  The sun has gone to rest
  All birds stop singing, hiding in their nest
  The stars are sparkling in the deeply sky
  For the man in the moon hill can hear the tide inside
  Hush now baby, it's time to go to sleep
  Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep
  Hush now baby, don't you cry
  Mummy and Daddy are always by your side
  The playground to still now
  Shadows dance around
  Raindrops are falling softly to the ground
  Tomorrow' s waiting for some that in her hand
  More time to play and draw pictures in the sand
  Hush now baby, it's time to go to sleep
  Mummy and Daddy have counted all the sheep
  Hush now baby, don't you cry
  Mummy and Daddy are always by your side

« 阳光抚过白色的墙壁
突然间的自我 »
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